Saturday, April 6, 2013

No more Country Club Living for me. I am back to work!

I was recently called back to work by my old boss.  I reluctantly took a part time position as a HR director/Payroll clerk.  Going from stay home mom - master of my own schedule and domain to a a frenzied multi-tasker who is often caught reading emailing from the commode.

The bad news is my time is just no longer my own.  What on earth did I used to do with my time?  Very little if truth be told.   But alas, I am just a lot more talented at lounging and talking than I am about buckling down to boring, difficult or backbreaking labor. But honestly I am who I am.   I have to stop beating myself up about my shortcomings.  I am just not one of those super moms who decides that she is going to paint or wallpaper her house in her spare time after work.  I am lucky to drag my carcass from the car and fall asleep on my couch at the end of the day.  I would much rather pay more qualified people to take care of my home.

And as you might expect my kids don't like it at all.  They do not have me at their beckoned call anymore (wait, that is a BAD thing? oh wait definitely add that to the PRO column).  They are so shocked when they call me at work and ask me if I can bring them their tennis shoes or softball equipment.  I will never grow tired of saying "I am sorry, I have a JOB NOW" and hanging up.  I know, it is a shocking dose of reality, and it could shock their delicate systems........nah, they will be fine.  Go to the lost and found kiddo, wear someone else's shoes.

The good news is of course the paycheck part, and the fact that I really do enjoy working at something that to use my brain and to utilize my PLETHORA of skills that really were growing rusty while running a household.  I did of course try to incorporate advance spreadsheet skills into the whole motherhood experience, but my kids never really appreciated those fancy chore checklists or the email circles I created to keep in close communication with their teachers.  

I would like to hear from other moms who struggle with inadequacy.  Not because I have any answers for you, but so that I can get a good laugh at those moms who might actually be worse at this game than I am