Wednesday, August 28, 2013

When did it become cool to be trashy?

I have to hand it to the writer of this article I pasted above.  I too have always been the kind of mom who would rather be truthful than sweet to my kids.  Guess it is how I was wired.  My mom died very young, and I was raised by men, so I never got the "sweet" angle that some girls wear so naturally.  Honesty was always so much more important to me...even as a kid.  To me the "sweet" girl is really just a pissed off repressed girl under it all.   And frankly I would rather be kicked in the teeth with the truth than have someone stab a sweet polite dagger into my back.

Perhaps this is why Miley is acting like such an flaming idiot.  Where was truth in her life?  Did anyone ever have the balls to be honest with her?  I don't think so.  Because even now, her father only has some stupid mealy-mouthed PR polished response to her performance at the VMA.  A REAL DAD who was honest would care what OTHER LITTLE KIDS were seeing.  He would have SHAME.  He would say that YES he loved her but that unfortunately he must have made some terrible error somewhere with his kid and that he was sorry that he had unleashed what at this moment appeared to be a pox upon the planet.  Why wont he comment on how ridiculous her behavior is?  This is permissivity RUN AMOK!   After all he is her dad.  He will still be there in the end.  But she made him look like a BAD PARENT. and he OWED it to her to give her a public spanking.   Literally preferred, but if she was not "available" for that then a figurative one.   Here is a creative thought.  He should have had a life size doll of his daughter made.  He should set it in a chair and get video of him lecturing it, grounding it, and giving it a spanking.  Then he should turn to the camera and say "I am so sorry America, and I am sorry to your deserved better from my talented daughter, and it is my prayer that she will find a way to fix this".   Then I would call my daughter and tell her that she needs to make a public apology for what she has done.    Oh, and then I would go beat the snot out of Robin Thicke.  He is a nasty waste anyway.  At least Miley might have hope of actually turning it around.

So where is truth?  Where is the REAL Billy Ray Cyrus who is supposed to be a REAL parent not the guy who consults his bloody publicist before making a comment to the media?  How could she ever respect a dad like that?  He cares more about how he looks to the media than if he is really the kind of dad that Miley needs - a tough loving protector of his daughter.  It's sad that only the public will be honest with her.    So I think the one person she most wanted to offend wasn't Disney, but her Dad.  She was so pissed at him whoring her out to the public to fawn over her.  Robbing her of her privacy, modesty, and a normal life.    This is the behavior of a girl who wants to SHAME and insult the adults in her life.  And what would motivate this kind of rebellion?

My thoughts are that Billy Ray tried his whole life to be the "cool" country idol dad that every young girl would love to have for a daddy.  But I think Miley knew better.  She didn't give a crap what her friends thought.  Her dad was a materialistic  phoney.   If you live your life pretending to be this "cool" "understanding" "hip" person all the time, doing everything the way that everyone else think you should, without acting like you really feel, who would want to be your kid?  I imagine she might wake up one day and decide that she was tired of living her life to make everyone else happy.

I teach my children that this is their one life and they need to live it for themselves.  Fame never appealed to me (thank God since I am totally un-famous) so I have made every attempt to pass this on to my children.  Even when they were babies people said they should be "baby models".  Then when they got to be teenagers, everyone told them they should model (some would even suggest it was a great way to pay for college).  I would consistently react with a quick SHHH and shut down that conversation. Not interested.  NO THANK YOU.  Keep your empty compliments and flattery to yourself.   I know this is going to shock many Western moms, but I would NEVER want my daughters to be models, movie stars or famous for anything other than doing something really good for humanity like curing cancer or saving a bunch of people from a burning wreck.

I am pretty sure that I might very well be the only mom I know that would NOT EVER want their daughter to model?  And if you think it is because my daughters aren't "pretty" enough, then you have never met my daughters.

The opinion was formed by simple observation.  Who can we point to whose life was made better, richer, more fulfilled because they were famous?  Or SUPER PRETTY?  Life is hard. God is Good.  And when you surround yourself with adoring (idiots) fans who practically worship every word or action or deed that you perform, it is really hard to even know who you are or whether God is even real.  Especially if thousands of people are turning you into some kind of "mini" god (when in fact you are just a girl...not much different than anyone else).   I am not saying that there aren't famous people out there that God has used to reach people in a positive way, but I think it is probably more likely that my daughters are struck by lightening before their fame and fortune and artificially enhanced beauty would bring them to a better understanding of Gods plan for their life.

So perhaps it's Mileys dad that pushed her over the edge.  Perhaps its the screaming fans who she just wanted to STFU.  Either way, that girl with the foam finger was trying to give the big finger to someone.

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